Private Sittings
Most people paying for a private reading know what they are paying for and are not likely to have been misled into making payment, or damaged by the experience. But there are a number of precautions which you are advised to observe.
A reading should not be given to a legal minor (under 18) because they cannot legally be signatory to any disclaimer.
The Mediums fee will only be paid when the sitter is happy with their sitting.
Devices such as crystal balls, tarot cards etc, must not be used as they are not considered an accepted form of spirit communication.
The Medium must not give her own counselling or advice; she must stick to what comes from spirit.
It is my job to try and prove that life is eternal and the soul cannot die, to do this I will endeavour to provide information about the Spirit person/s who link with me, by name or description. You may have to ask someone else about the communicator.
I cannot provide answers you seek unless Spirit do so.
I am not a fortune teller ? and can only give the now and the past, Spirit communication is to try and give proof of survival not necessarily what you want to hear but rather what You may need to know, always given with love ?.
Within your sitting you should receive some help with your decisions in life you may need to make, Spirit cannot live your life for you, but will help you along your earthly pathway.
If there is no medical reason why you should not have a reading today.
Knowing what may happen in the future is not always helpful. I don’t read your aura and tap into your inner feelings, hopes and fears.
Without your friends and family and my guides and helpers I cannot do this work.