zoom meeting on request.
This is not about giving you the lottery numbers! I don’t know everything!
I am another bridge from this world to the other.
A Medium is the person who communicates with Spirit people, or Spirit people communicate with me.
People that were once alive here on the earth plane have now passed to the higher life. Their soul (Spirit) lives on after the physical body dies.
It is my job to try and prove that to the individual in the sitting. With information about the Spirit person, description, personality, information about that person, how they are linked to you. Sometimes this is possible but every sitting is different and unique to the person I read for.
There will be information from the past, present.
I use Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Clairaudience (hearing), Clairsentience (clear sensing). I may use some all or a combination of these within the sitting.
Most people feel Spirit people; they just don’t always understand it. Usually people will feel a cold shiver down their back (spine), face, arms or legs. (The saying someone has just walked over my grave)! That is when Spirit people are present. It is normal to feel this and there is nothing to fear.
The “so called dead “ cannot hurt you.
I have a guide, door keeper, who allows Spirit people to join with me and make the communication possible. It is your loved ones, friends, family that use me to channel information.
There are no guarantees in life, but never has Spirit let me
Everything is for a reason; we just don’t always understand those reasons. Maybe all will become clear when we are Spirit without a body!
Within the Sitting the Sitter will feel as though I am talking normally to them, but the information comes from somewhere else. I am just the instrument who relays the messages.
I love what I do, a gift from the Spirit world, which is truly amazing.
We are all psychic, but not every psychic is a ‘Medium’!
No guarantee you will get the person you want to come through....
I believe it is your loved one in the Spirit world who decides to come through because they are the best person to help you today....
It may not be the person that you loved the most or if they loved you the most....
Our Earth thoughts are different from those Spiritual thoughts in the Spirit World...